after the latest Endnote update (X8.1, bld 12930), Word for MAC (16.7, bld 171008) suddenly refuses to load my CWYW plugin, citing compatibility as a reason. Does anyone have an idea how to solve this? I would very much appreciate some assistance (all the more because Clarivate hasn’t responded for a week to my support ticket, and I’m trying to finish a paper).
Hi Frank, this is a known issue that they’ve yet to address, and it’s been broken for a few weeks now apparently (see the post regarding beta testing for the new mac version). I had to take my manuscript to a windows computer to finish up.
Word 2016 version 16.7 is actually the current Fast Track Office Insider Update. The production release of EndNote X8.1 is not currently compatible with this Office Insider release, but we announced our EndNote X8.2 Mac Beta 3 weeks ago. If you are eligible, you can sign up here:
Alternatively or if you are not eligible for the Beta, you can downgrade Word 2016 to the production release of version 15.39.
Make sure you are signing up now at There was a prior form to be notified when the beta was released. When you complete the new form, you will receive an email with installation information and will also be prompted to download the update installer for EndNote X8.
I have problems with the plug in not being able to load as well. I’m running the Word 16.8 update.
After reading this thread, I’ve turned off the Insider slow updates. When will Clarivate release a version of EndNote compatible with the 16.8 update of Word?
I’m having the same problem with EndNote X7. Microsoft Autoupdate just installed 16.9 for me, and I’m unwilling to go back several version to get EndNote to work. Will you be supplying a patch for X7, or is there a beta version I could try? I’m two weeks short of a publisher’s deadline on a book.
I’m in Switzerland and working with the German version of Word 2016 (MAC) and Endnote X8.2. As long as I use the Word version 15.41 everything is fine. As soon as I update to the latest Word version (currently 16.11), the plugin does not load any more.
Is this a language issue? Any solution other than sticking to the old Word version?