Word Add-in: Convert Zotero|Mendeley Citations to EndNote


  I would be great to have two additional features:

  1. Convert Zotero Citations to EndNote
  2. Convert Mendeley Citations to EndNote

  in the following menu:

  This would greatly improve EndNote universal access and coverage.

  As for Zotero the feature is wanted since 2017 (https://community.endnote.com/t5/EndNote-How-To/Convert-document-from-Zotero-to-Endnote/m-p/154403/highlight/false#M28172).

Thank you. 

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I agree - this would be really useful.

(For the moment, you can use the online tool Reference Extractor as a workaround, to extract Zotero or Mendeley references from a Word document and export them as RIS.  This at least gets them into your Endnote reference library; but it doesn’t get them back into your Word document in Endnote format.)