WorldCat Local Export to EndNote

Our library is testing WorldCat Local.  It does not appear to have an option to import selected records into EndNote.  The global WorldCat has an export option that works very well for importing to EndNote.  Does WorldCat Local require customization on by participating libraries or is there an easier way to export local records into EndNote?  Thanks, Frank

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I also work at a library that is testing WorldCat Local. From our test site, I was able to export a record directly to EndNote, just as I would from in the full view of the record, click on “Cite” and then “Export to EndNote” (see attached screen shot). I checked a couple of other libraries that use WorldCat Local (e.g.,,, and they also have this functionality. Perhaps the feature hasn’t been turned on for your test site for some reason?

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Thanks for pointing out the “Cite” link. It works great for importing a single record into EndNote. 


A related question is how to import several records at one time.  Is there a way to do this without establishing an account?  Establishing an account, then saving to a list, switching to “Citations View”, then exporting to EndNote works fine.  The problem is many busy researchers won’t want to take time to create an account, remember login info, and then the export steps.

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Good point, you’re right, I don’t see a way to create a list of marked records with setting up an account (although you could grab the records with Zotero instead and export them to EndNote…)