My institution stopped supporting Reference Manage a while ago and I’ve been living on borrowed time but I’m going to have to covert my databases to EndNote in the next few months.
I’d like to preserve character formatting and have found that the XML export from Reference Manager and import into EndNote does achieve this but I’ve noticed that some of the Reference Manager fields are being lost in translation… specifically those holding links to external sources and files (and maybe some others). Of particular concern is the field called ‘Web/URL’ in Reference Manager that I’ve used for the DOI.
I’ve looked at the XML file generated by Reference Manager and, so far as I can tell, all the data I’d expect to be present is present but some of it isn’t imported into EndNote. My XML skills are not up to deciphering the EndNote dtd file (I assume it’s called EndNote.dtd) and how it deals with the import so before I spend time doing this I thought I’d ask to see if this is a known problem or whether I’m doing something wrong.
I can supply the test files I’ve used if required but in the mean time I hope someone can provide some pointers to a solution.
Many thanks for the suggestion… I’m running EndNote X4 and the option to open a Reference Manager database doesn’t appear to be available. There isn’t an option to choose a *.RMD file and selecting one with all files displayed just gives an ‘EndNote Error’ alert.
That is correct. EndNote X4 is not able to directly convert a Reference Manager 11 database. As that article mentions, this is something than can currently only be done with EndNote X5.0.1. However, both the Quick and in-depth instructions should enable you to perform the conversion. Keep in mind that any data stored in the Reference Manager Web/URL field will be imported into the URL field on the EndNote side. You can change this by editing the Reference Manager (RIS) Import Filter. If the information is not importing into that field or you need assistance editing the Filter, let us know.