Uing endote 5 with win 7 - 32 bit.,
I think I have a compatibility problem.
As I started to write this post I got a third message, “serious problems with endnote cite while you write add in Do you want to disable cite while you write add in and check for updates". I did. Now I had already checked for updates during my troubleshooting for the above and there are none for my programme. I just rechecked.
I have added a new macro into new global templates. There has always been an endnote macro there. I was using it successfully for several weeks. I just looked into macros and the endnote macro is not there. I have lost it because I disconnected add ons .I think it was" endnoteformat."
My main problem today, and the reason for the post, was that I have been getting a lot of “execution failed” messages but it didn’t seem to make any difference to what I was doing but I was looking for an explanation. First I needed to make a note of what I was doing before it occurred.
I just went to use endnote today and as soon as I selected the citation I wanted to use and to insert in my document 25 windows opened one after the other saying "an unknown error occurred”. I couldn’t close them and had to use the task manage and saw I had 5 endnote programmes open. Don’t ask me why as I hadn’t tried to use it until that one time.
I saved all my endnotes yesterday so I am ok.
What is happening does anyone know? Should I do an install? Is the macro the problem? It is only a footnote macro in Word and it isn’t working anyway. In fact it stopped working the first time I tried to use another programme that uses charts. However the only reason the charts were not working was because I just needed to un- tick formatting and hidden text in Word options so it wasnt a big deal. .However I did a chart this morning and havent used it for days.(since my problem).This is why I think it may be a compatability issue.
So it all seems to be connected. I tried to reinstall the macro and although I did it right it is not working in a straightforward way as it was before, Now I have to reinstall cite while you write in any case.
I am tearing my hair out as the business over the macro took weeks to resolve.I thought the problem was with endnote and it was Word.
Any ideas please. I would tell you the chart programme but Idoubt if you know it.
Your assistance as always will be appreciated Just realise I am not an expert so please use simple language…