I’m wondering whether any of you have any advice. Endnote was working fine for me until I agreed to upgrade to version X7.2. Now, every time I try to go to endnote, I get the message ‘server execution failed.’ This is often followed by about 30 or more small windows with the phrase ‘unknown error.’
My system is Windows 8.1
Any thoughts about what I can do to fix this? I can’t access any of my bibliographies.
“Server execution error” usually mean Word and EndNote can’t communicate. After you upgraded EndNote 7.2, you need to open it from programs, not Word, and accept the license agreement, have you done that?
If you have done the above, try running a repair of Office first, then EndNote in control panel/programs and features.
This problem can also happen if you’ve had prior versions of EndNote installed on a machine, sometimes the older EndNote CWYW templates will remain loaded in Word. To fix this,
-Open Word, click file/options/addins.
-Where is reads “com addins” at the bottom of the screen hit the drop down and choose “Word addins”.
-If you see mutliple addins in the window, click on each one, the click the delete button. Delete all of them.