The issue is that in EndNote X7.5 (and in X7.1) when I add a colon in Book Section Template (Footnotes) (e.g. [w:]) it is not shown in either Word (both 2013 and 2016) or EndNote preview. Is it a bug or is it only me? How do I fix this?
I will attach my style tomorrow. I don’t have it at hand now. Let me tell you, however, what my style is regarding Book Section. The simplest version is as follows:
Author, Title, [w:] Book Title, red. Editor, Publisher, Place Published Year.
It gives:
J. Doe, Book section title, [w] Book Title, red. The editor of the book, Who Published, Where published 2005.
It should give:
J. Doe, Book section title, [w:] Book Title, red. The editor of the book, Wiley, New York 2005.
I think this has to do with EndNotes punctuation rules which are eclectic.
The closest I could get was to use [w :] (that is [w<space>:] ) and to use the punctuation rule “French” - and then it left the colon in place.
I would rearrange the positioning of some of the separation characters (the pipes | ) as sometimes you have them before and sometimes after the comma and not sure what the colon in front of Series title is for either, but I didn’t try to edit the rest, and attach it, as it was obviously just a snippet.