Problem with getting colon to appear when editing an Endnote style

Hi there,  I’m trying to edit a style and get a colon to appear after place of publication.  Attaching a word document that indicates what my string looks like, which seems like it should be right.

However,  my result don’t show the colon (how it displays is in the attachment as well).   Any help would be gratefully accepted.

Many thanks, Kristie Saumure
Endnote Problems - Colon.txt (582 Bytes)

Are you saying “Wellington” is in the Place published field?  or is the publisher field Wellington Ministry of Health?  It is hard to say, without seeing the actual output style, record entry in endnote or the real word document (which you can rename with .txt and attach and we will have to rename with the doc or docx - tell us which –  or put into a zip and attach.)

@kristiesaumure wrote:

Hi there,  I’m trying to edit a style and get a colon to appear after place of publication…  


Try putting a forced separation before the colon following Place Published:

Author. Year. Title. In Book Title|, ed. Series Editor|, p.^pp. Pages|. Place Published|: Publisher.|URL: