Add end note citations in pages

Hello I am working with End note X8, on a mac, with apple pages. When I go to Insert - EndNote Citation a box opens with “find endnote citations” and there are no entries. I have downloaded the plug in and am able to sync my desktop library with the my endnote library online. Is there another solution I should try?

Thank you

Greetings jgoth,

After the Find EndNote Citations window appears, you’d type in a name, year, keyword, etc. into the “Find:” field at the top of this window and then press the return key on your keyboard.  EndNote will then show all matching references found within any active library window currently open in EndNote.

Please let me know if this helps.

The window you are seeing is a results only window. You will not just see the contents of your library you have to perform a search before you will see results that match the search.

Please doing a search for a reference in your open library in EndNote.

If that does not work please contact Technical Support directly:

Monday – Friday, 9 a.m. – 8 p.m. Eastern (GMT -5)

+1-800-336-4474, press 4

or via the web