I’m a new user and trying to get my head around Endnote. I’m using Endnote 6.
When in Word and I select ‘Find Citation’, a window opens that lists my Endnote library. The problem is it’s only listing 9 items yet when I’m in Endnote I can see my library currently has 26 items. Why can’t I access all of them from the ‘Find Citation’ menu in Word?
When you use “find citation” any text selected in you document (or a past search) is in the box and restricts the search to items containing that text. I much prefer to “go to endnote” and do more complex searches or find the record by the first author, then insert citation from there. - or copy and jump back to Word and paste with the usual keyboard shortcuts.
Can you show a screen shot of what you are seeing?
When you use “find citation” any text selected in you document (or a past search) is in the box and restricts the search to items containing that text. I much prefer to “go to endnote” and do more complex searches or find the record by the first author, then insert citation from there. - or copy and jump back to Word and paste with the usual keyboard shortcuts.
Can you show a screen shot of what you are seeing?
Thanks for the reply.
I’ve attached a screenshot of the window I’m talking about. (Although since fiddling with my library it’s now only displaying 3 items)
I was wanting to go via this path as it gives the variety of insert options. Where else (if not this way) can I find these options?
See “Martin” in the search bar? You are only seeing references with “Martin” somewhere in any field. The find citation dialog is pretty basic and I rarely use it. (the links below are active as of Feb 2013)
I prefer to use the insert citation, rather than find citation.