I am new to Endnote. I am using Word 2011 Mac. I am using footnotes in my text, and occasionally want to add the exact page numbers in the book or journal to which my text refers. How do I add the page numbers to the citation in the footnote?
Search for help topic “Citing Specific Page Numbers in Footnotes” – this is what it says for the window’s version of Endnote. Please note that your output style must contain the “cited pages” field in the template.
When citing full references in footnotes, you might want to include specific page numbers. EndNote provides a way to do this where the page numbers that you type into a temporary citation can be manipulated by the EndNote style just like a field in your EndNote reference.
You can add specific pages to the temporary citation, and have the EndNote style include them wherever they need to be in the formatted citation. The style can also apply special pages formatting, like deciding whether to add “p.” or "pp. before the page numbers, and how to list the range of pages.
The easiest way to add cited pages is to use the Edit Citation (Leanne notes-- the link will work in the help of endnote) dialog.
To manually include specific page numbers to a reference in an unformatted footnote citation, enter the page number preceded by “@” at the end of the temporary citation:
{Smith, 1999 #24 @145-6}
All text that follows the @ symbol (up to the next space) is considered the “Cited Pages.” You must also configure the EndNote style used to format the paper to use “Cited Pages” in the footnote template. Most EndNote styles that require a special format for citations in footnotes are already configured this way.
When EndNote formats the citation, the cited pages (“145-6” in the example above) are inserted in the correct location and formatted as appropriate for the style.
Note: If you enter page numbers at the end of the temporary citation without the “@” character, they will still appear in a formatted in-text citation, but EndNote will not be able to manipulate them by changing the page format or by moving them to a different position in the formatted citation. They will appear, as entered, at the end of the formatted in-text citation. This is a perfectly acceptable way to enter page numbers for in-text citations (or for footnotes formatted just like your in-text citations).
See Citation Suffixes to see how this works (Leanne notes-- the link will work in the Help of endnote). This method will not work for citations in footnotes that are formatted as full bibliographic references or with a special footnote format. For those cases, you must use the @ symbol to identify the cited pages in the temporary citation.