Adding Page Number

I’m using EndNote X1 with windows XP and 2007.  How do I add page number on the citation (Denzin and Lincoln,  2000).  I’ve tried to add it in this way:

  1. Right click on the citation
  2. Select > Edit citation
  3. Type in the page number (23)  it doesn’t appear on the citation.

I’ve also tride to use the suffix still nothing happens. 

I would be surprised if adding the page number in the “edit citation” suffix field didn’t work.  That is the way I usually add page numbers or any other text and it shouldn’t require any special editing of the style template. 

However, to use the “cited pages” field, you also need to edit the selected style in the “citation template” to include the “cited pages” field in the citation, with the appropriate “link adjacent” and “forced separation” punctuation, – all of  which can be inserted from the “insert field” menu. 

(Author, Year[forced separation]:[link adjacent text]Cited Pages[forced separation])