Dear all,
I use Endnote X1 and I want to to include the page number in my citation like this "…(Bindon, 1994, p.100). Please advice me the way to do this.
Thank you very much,
Hoang Van Long
Dear all,
I use Endnote X1 and I want to to include the page number in my citation like this "…(Bindon, 1994, p.100). Please advice me the way to do this.
Thank you very much,
Hoang Van Long
The easy way, right click in the formatted citation, select “more” and add the “, p. 100” to the suffix field including the <comma><space>.
The other (more automatic/adaptable) way: First make sure your citation template for the outputstyle you are using has the “cited pages” field. I suggest you copy it from a style that already has cited pages in the citation (like APA?). This way you will get the appropriate forced separation and link adjacent characters, so you don’t get errant punctuation and spaces when there are no inserted cited pages. It will look something like this
(Author, |Year|,*p.^pp.*Cited Pages|) where the “*” is the link adjacent character (really a little midspace “o”).
You “edit the output style” from Edit, Output Style>edit “currently selected style”. then make the changes in the citation >template.
to insert the page number “100” again right click in the formatted citation, select “more” and add the number to the cited pages field. It should also automatically adjust to either p. (for a single page) or pp. (for multiple pages).
Thank you so much!