After editing references manually, how to get EndNote to not update them


I have a very long document with 500+ references and I had to manually edit some of them after insterting them from Endnote. Now, if I add a new reference from my library, it will update all my old references back to how they looked before my manual edits. Is there any way to prevent this to happen? I would like to add a new reference and have the corresponding numbering update but not any format of the reference itself, is this possible?

I have EndNoteX7.3 if that helps!

Thanks so much!


Not sure how you are editing – but if citations, you should edit via the right click edit citation menu – Both the citations and the references are field coded, and so you can’t edit them manually, just by typing.  

At the very end, you can make a copy, and remove the endnote field codes (convert to plain text) and then edit to your heart’s content.  What are you needing to edit?  

(p.s. you should update to X7.5)