The home interface for Endnote has gotten significantly worse in the update to 21 for Mac. Simplify it! Here’s a few main suggestions.
Firstly, developers should massively reduce the size of or delete entirely the ridiclous banner between search and the references that contains the ridiculously large buttons for “Insert citation”, “Add a new reference…”, “Search the web…” etc., the name of the Group and the number of references. There’s no need for this to be so large taking up so much of the screen. The information is already given on the left hand ribbon and at the top of the screen. Kill it and put it back the way it was in X9, with smaller icons along the top. The priority is seeing as much of the references and as little of the function buttons, unless needed.
Reduce the size of the search bars. Again, maximise the amount of content on the screen, not cartoon sized features. It was the right size in X9, and is much bigger than it needs to be here blown up like a childrens font.
Allow customisation of the windows in the layout (‘split horizontally / vertically’ is not enough). Let us arrange them in an order we want, as was better in X9 and as is done in RStudio, for example. Again, should maximise the ability to see references, citation format and PDF/Edit all at the same time.
I’d also like to see the return of ‘view record’ or ‘reference summary’ being available as a right click on a reference.
And lastly, and the most disappointing upgrade of Endnote21, the tags function. Was very excited to see it come in, but its basically just another grouping function as is. See other post about Tags from Pagdundun in September 2023 and my comment underneath. Updates should allow filtering by groups and / or tags with boolean operators (e.g.: AND | OR). I also would like a variation of colours to be possible, maybe from a colour wheel.
Hoping you can implement these asap!