AMA bibliography alphabetical with author-date instead of superscript numbers as citations

I am trying to format a paper using AMA style for the bibliography, but instead of superscript numbers in the text, I need [author-date]. Can’t seem to get it right.

You will want to look into using the Style Guide on our website which explains how to edit a style.


You will also find attached a style that is based on JAMA but does [Author, Year]

You can add this to your EndNote:

Save the attachment from this email to your desktop

 Double-click on the downloaded file to open it in the EndNote software.

 Click the File menu in EndNote and select Save As.

 Click Save.

 Close the style window.

 You can now delete the file on the desktop the style has been added to EndNote.

If you need more help I would contact Technical Support:

Monday – Friday, 9 a.m. – 8 p.m. Eastern (GMT -5)

+1-800-336-4474, press 4

JAMA [Author Year].ens (33.8 KB)

attach your attempts at revision, but also ensure you are using the newly named modified output style in the word document’s Endnote ribbon.  Changing it in Endnote is not enough to apply to manuscript.  

Please see the following website for how to change the document to the new style.