using two in-text citations style in one document


I’d like to use two styles of in-text citation through my document - the default (author/year) or bibliography number (in superscript).

Any ideas?



You could edit a style to give you this format.

In EndNote you can go to Edit > Output Styles > Open Style Manager > locate the style you are using > Click Edit > go to Templates under Citations > here you would remove what is listed under Citation - Author(Year) > You would then use the Insert Field button and select Bibliography Number > You would then Highlight the text Bibliography Number and go to Edit then Style then Superscript (On a MAC it is Edit > Font > Superscript)  > go To File > Save As > (EndNote will not allow you to change the existing style in EndNote but will always apply the change to a copy of the style) Click Save to save the changes to a copy of the style > close the style window.

You would then change styles in your document to the new one and when you wanted a citation to be in the second format you would use Edit and Manage Citations then change the format of the citation to Author(Year)

Please see the attached style as an example.

You can find more information on how to edit a style on our website:
Author-Date plus Number.ens (16 KB)

just to clarify, you want two bibliographies in the same paper.

One numbered 1-10 (by appearance or alphabetical?)  and a different set of references in author, year (and alphabetical)? I am not sure TMartin’s solution will give you this.  

This is hard to do automatically, although, since you have to decide when inserting, which one will appear where and how, I would keep auto formating off, and change the temporary delimiters manually for those you want to appear in the rarer format.

{author, year #recno}  (curly brackets is default)  and then maybe square or another unique pair like &author, year #recno% for those that will be numbered.  

Then you will need to update citations and bibliography to get the first set to the formated version with (for example) the author, year style of your choosing, and then remove endnote links (convert to plain text) and then change the output style to your numbered format, and change the temporary citation delimiters to the other pair, and update citations and bibliography.  

Of course you would want to keep your endnoted temporary citation version in a safe place, for the inevitable need for revisions.