I am having an issue with endnote and microsoft word. At the moment I am working on my phd and for this I am using endnote x8 and microsoft word 17.17.6. For citations I am using the APA 6th style. Everything worked out well until yesterday. For some reason I cannot cite anything with this style anymore. Every time I am trying to cite in APA 6th it just does not show anything neither in the list of references (at the bottom) nor at the place in the text where i put the cite. As soon as i change the citation style e.g. from “APA 6th” to “APA 6th - Sentence Case” it works out just great. The problem is that I have to use the regular APA 6th style… Therefore I am desperately hoping that you guys have any idea on how to solve my problem. It is seriously driving me crazy… Thanks in advance for any replies and sorry for the inconvenience, Peter
I recommend you try downloading a new copy of APA 6th (help menu in endnote, > Endnote output styles - goes to endnote styles url, search for APA and select the one you want, and save as to a slightly different name - and change your endnote ribbon in word to use that slightly altered named output style. Remember it has to be in the word document - not in the endnote program.
I just came back from work and wooow, thank you so much. It works out just the way you said it. Perfect!!! So happy, i was close to throw out my mac out of the window. Thank you soooo much!!! If i may ask one more question: Everytime I am citing a figure it links down the “picture” on the bottom of the text in the figure list. Is there a possibility to make it pop up just in the place I am citing it? Thanks again, Peter
the implementation of the insert figure in Endnote was a nice idea, but never gained much traction. I use Word’s tools and not endnote for inserting figures. But the options are there in the output style to adjust the placement of figures.
Edit your new APA output style, (Edit>edit output style, > edit APA (your slightly renamed one) and go to the bottom, where the settings for figures are. see image for your options. – save (no need to save as, as this new version of your Apa style is in your “documents” endnote/styles folder.