APA 6th style in Endnote X6

The APA 6th style that comes along with Endnote X6 seems to need some updates.  For citations, the full name of the authors are displayed instead of the initial.  We have edited the style for our users by going to Edit > Output Styles, and then under “Bibliography” > “Author Name”, choose “A.B.” for "Initials.  Wonder if TR would be updating the style in the next upgrade?

I would suggest contacting tech support.  They used to have a place on their website to suggest updating or new styles, but I can’t seem to locate it anymore.  But having said that, I just looked at the APA style on their website, and it is initials only.  It has an update date of July 2012.  I didn’t check all the flavors of the downloadable versions just the one called “APA 6TH - AMERICAN PSYCHOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION 6TH EDITION”.