author (year) issue

Hi all,

I am using a referencing style based on the Australian Archaeology Journal guide and am having trouble with Author (Date) in text referencing when there are page numbers involved. As it was provided, the Author (Year) doesn’t accomodate page numbers. E.g. Bowler (1998:45) just reads Bowler (1998), even when I enter page numbers in the Edit & Manage Citations box.

I edited the Citation Templates so that the Citation-Author (year) template reads Author (Year:Cited Pages) and now the citiation includes a colon when no pages are cited and drops off the end bracket. E.g. Bowler (1998:

Any advice?



make it (Year|:Cited Pages|)  which will separate the closing parenthesis from the Cited Pages field and link the colon to the field.  If you wanted a space between the colon and the cited pages field, you should insert instead, a “link adjacent” character from the insert fields drop down.  This looks like a tiny tiny centered diamond.