Authors and year missing from EndNote references

When I insert an in-text parenthetical citation using the CWYW feature, some of the bibliography entries do not show the authors’ names or year, only the title of the article and subsequent elements required by APA style.

Does someone know how to fix this?

I have noticed that deleting and reimporting the citaitons does fix the issue, but I’d like to save myself hours of work if possible by not having do redo more than 100 citations.


Not sure how to edit here, but I do need to add that the authors’ names reappear if I change citation style (but disappear upon selecting APA).

Have you altered your APA at all?  This sounds like the Citation template has been deleted in the output style.  for example, using a footnote only style and putting a  citation in the text, also produces this result.  

If it were true with all output styles, you might try editing the Endnote preferences, formatting and removing the Check/tick in the second option “Omit Author and/or Year from formatted citation if removed from temporary citation”.  Mind you, this will also “break” the “Exclude Year” and “Exclude Author”  options available from the edit citation dropdown.