no year listed in citations



I’m using Endnote X3, and I can’t seem to make the year show up in my citations.  I have tried the Author-Date style, Cell style, and a bunch of others where the year should show.  Instead of (author year) I just get (author et al.).  I’ve looked at the style settings and the citation template does say (Author Year).  Is there some setting somewhere that is blocking the year from showing up in all of these styles?


I’ve used previous versions of Endnote a lot (for manuscripts and dissertation, worked great), but I really can’t seem to make this work.


Thanks to anyone who may be able to help!

This sounds like your records don’t have the year in the correct field?  Did you check that?  How was the library constructed?  Do the years show up in the reference list at the end? 

If there is a year in the record (in the year and not “date” field), if you edit citation (right click in the formated reference) is the “exclude year” box ticked or if you unformat them, does it look like {Author, Year #RecNo}?  or {Author #RecNo}. But if that choice is selected, or you see the latter, I don’t know how it got stuck “on” instead of off, but check your preference settings for a temporary citation, and see if they are unusual (I can’t actually see any setting there that should matter though).    Try turning off (unticking) the box in edit> preferences> “omit Author or year from citation, if omitted from temporary citation” and reformatting.

Remember if you  unformat the citations, you need to turn CWYW back on, if you want autofomating engaged, from the third tab of the dialogue box. 

Thanks Leanne.  My citations are all downloaded from various medical journal websites, using the “export/download citation” function, and they appear to be fine. 

I followed your advice and went to “edit citation” and found that the default setting had the “exclude year” box checked.  I changed each citation, and now this document is fine.  It would be great to know how to change the default to an unchecked “exclude year” box, just so I don’t have to deal with this again.  Anyone know how to change that?

Thanks again for your help!

The general thrust of this thread has been that Snow Leopard is the problem, but I have been having a great deal of difficulty with X3 and Pages 09 on both Leopard and Snow Leopard.  In fact, I am having identical problems both places, so I fault X3.  Tech support has been notably unresponsive to requests for help, beyond, of course, the website’s continuing denial that there are any problems.

The general thrust of this thread has been that Snow Leopard is the problem, but I have been having a great deal of difficulty with X3 and Pages 09 on both Leopard and Snow Leopard.  In fact, I am having identical problems both places, so I fault X3.  Tech support has been notably unresponsive to requests for help, beyond, of course, the website’s continuing denial that there are any problems.

(this is a reply to andrea, not the off thread message on pages09).

 The short fix, if you don’t often use the exclude functions:  try turning off (unticking) the box in edit> preferences> “omit Author or year from citation, if omitted from temporary citation” and reformatting.  You might need to unformat and reformat.  But it would be good to figure out how that box gets stuck checked!

Message Edited by Leanne on 09-13-2009 01:55 PM