Cannot connect to database

I have just updated from X5 to X7 on a mac.

First X7 didnt appear in the menu for CWYW but after some handy tricks from this forum this problem was solved.

However I still can’t do an online search in endnote. If I click on the pubmed NL connection I get the error
"cannot connect to online database

How can I fix this problem?

 If I log in to my online endnote account I can do the onlnie search and get results

The PubMed (NLM) connection file works fine for me (using EndNote X7.0.2, Windows 7 Pro).  The PubMed (NLM) connection file was last modified on April 18, 2012 so you might download/install a new connection file:   You might also check you’re using “Integrated Library & Search Mode” or “Online Search Mode” to connect to the database.


Refer to the knowledgebase article “Install additional Connection Files” for instructions if needed -


Also note that updates were issued for EndNote X7.  Check for updates by going to the toolbar then select Help > Program Updates.