I have run into a very curios situation: Using EndNote X9.2 on a Win10 PC, I cannot create a new library in certain folders on my PC (although I have done so very often in the past).
Clicking File-New, even in the default ‘Documents’ folder (C:\Users…\Documents) I get an error
File not found.
Check the file name and try again
Keep in mind, I’m not trying to open a file, I am trying to save a new file which obviously does not exist yet. Same problem when I attempt to save in my local HD that is a separate partion (D: ) from the C:\Windows partition, where I keep all my documents and other libraries (which I can still open). The only place where I have been able to create a new library was on my Desktop and directly on drive D:, but not in any folder on drive D:. I have made sure that folders are not “read-only”, so that should not be the issue.
//edit: I’m afraid I will be told to re-install EndNote. If so, could you also indicate how I can save my current list of Output Styles so I don’t lose these upon re-installation, if that were indeed the route to go?