Capitilization of article and journal title differ


Does anyone know how to change the captilization settings so that the article title is in “Sentence style” and the journal title is in “Headline style”? I’ve gone in to edit my style output under bibliography/Title Capitilization but I only get one choice. It appears I can only have one or the other. Is this right?

Thanks for the help!


The journal setting are handled by the Journal Terms list and Journal abbreviation settings in the output style.  Detailed info and a video is in the knowledge base article here:

Unless I missed something, this doesn’t answer my question. This explains how to update and change abrieviations. I didn’t see anywhere to select capitalization for my journal names.

I want to use full names of journals with the words capitalized. Example: “Fisheries Research” … instead of “Fisheries research”

The table of journal terms “corrects” any entry to use the appropriate capitalization of Journal names.  I know of no publisher that switches between headline and sentence in the journal names.  It is always headline, so the journal terms list needs to reflect that.  Hence I turn off any auto updating of the terms list based on records imported or manually entered into Endnote and upload a clean journals terms list, and then manually add the few unusual journals that might use, that are not represented in the terms lists available.