Case changing issue

Hello community.  I am a new user.  :)

The title of a journal article includes this word: wit(h)nessing.  Endnote wants to capitalize the H and the N so it looks like this: Wit(H)Nessing.

Does anyone know how to stop Endnote from automatically changing those letters?  I suspect it is treating them as individual words in the title that require capitalization.  It is just this title, otherwise the capitalization for the style I’m using is spot on.


I suspect that one of the records you imported at one time had this error in the alternate field and that this has been incorporated into the Journal Terms list.  You can open the journal terms list from the tools dropdown menu. 

But I would 1st turn off the preferences that include the auto updating of terms lists. and then import a clean journals list as described in this KB article.  This will ensure that your appropriate abbreviated or full journal title appear as defined in the output styles.

Sorry, I will delete that reply as I misread the problem.  – there are two ways to get around this issue.  If you NEED conversion to headline titles, then you should add wit(h)nessing to the “Change Case” preferences.  

Otherwise you could change the output style setting for title capitilization in bibliography, to “leave titles as entered”.  

Thank you Leanne!  The “Change Case” preferences did the trick.