Changing Capitalization - Autocorrect Problem

Hi everyone, I really need help on this and I would really appreciate it if someone could help me out.

I am currently using Endnote X4 and I directly imported one of the references from Google Scholar. The reference file has the journal article as “Tourism management”, but I’ve changed it to “Tourism Management” (note the capitalization). The problem is, the bibliography does not update the new title to “Tourism Management”. I’ve tried entering a new entry and it does not work. 

So I am guessing there’s some kind of memory cache in endnote. Is there anyway to override this or clean this up?

Thank you.


Hi Mark

Have you checked the Journals Term List for your library?  This is the master list of titles used by the output styles and errors in it will be reflected in your bibliography.

To edit the Journal Term List go to Tools Menu, Open Term Lists, then Journal Term List. You will then see a listing of the journal names, select the title by clicking on it,  followed by the Edit button. Make any changes here and then click OK to save the changes. Occasionally just editing the Full Title box won’t activate the OK button, click to one of the other fields and add an abbreviation too  - this will always activate the OK button.

The other way to avoid problems like this to load one of the many predefined term lists which are available when you begin a new library.

Hope this will resolve your problem.

Kind regards

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Thanks that works perfectly!!! Appreciate it!!! :smileyvery-happy: