Citations in author (year) format missing bracket in X7


I have a longstanding style which has worked fine in (at least) EndNote X1, X2, X4 and X6 to produce in-text citations of the form " … (Smith 1997: 23) …". The relevant template entry is Author (Year|: Cited Pages), with the code for “Link Adjacent Text” after “Author” and again after the colon where there appears to be a space here.

With X6 we got the new option to reformat citations with the author outside the round bracket, thus “… Smith (1997: 23) …”, which is very handy if you want to mention Smith in your text. I have just installed X7, and now if I switch a citation to this latter format, the right-hand bracket is lost. Is this a bug, or do I need to alter my template in some way? Thanks.


Modify the citation template by inserting a “Forced Separation” (vertical bar) in front of the second bracket/parenthesis:


Author (Year|::diamonds:Cited Pages|)


The modification will be saved as a new output style having the word “Copy’ added to the file name so adjust Word/EndNote to use the  new output style.

OK, thanks. That seems to work. Should it always have been there for that kind of in-text format (which is standard in many styles in linguistics)?

How come the Forced Separation marker wasn’t apparently needed in previous versions of EndNote? That right bracket has always appeared without problems, whether or not a page number is included, and even in the new optional format that X6 introduced with author outside the left bracket. It’s only with the release of X7 that this problem has appeared.

I want to be sure that adding the forced separation won’t cause other problems down the line, e.g. if the modified style is used with earlier versions of EndNote. And I need to know too whether to add it to in-text citation templates in all my linguistics styles.

Btw, EndNote saved the modified style under its usual name in my own Styles folder, which was what i wanted; no ‘copy’ was added to the filename.

Thanks again


And further questions. You’ve suggested modifying the template only for Citation -  Author (Year). Why does this behave differently from the plain Citation? Or would it be good EndNote practice to include a Forced Separation marker before the right bracket there as well?


ddenison, see below for responses:


Q: OK, thanks. That seems to work. Should it always have been there for that kind of in-text format which is standard in many styles in linguistics)?


A:   Yes, based on your citation template example due to the placement of the second Link Adjacent Text marker (diamond):


Author♦(Year|::diamonds:Cited Pages)

The second Link Adjacent Text connects/links the colon, Cited Pages field, and second closing parenthesis together.  So if the Cited Pages field is blank this segment of the citation won’t be displayed.  Adding a Forced Separation marker prevents this from happening. The Forced Separation “breaks” the dependence between the Cited Pages field and the parenthesis so the parenthesis will display despite the absence of info in the Cited Pages field. So the corrected template is:


Author​:diamonds:(Year|::diamonds:Cited Pages|)



Q: How come the Forced Separation marker wasn’t apparently needed in previous versions of EndNote? That right bracket has always appeared without problems, whether or not a page number is included, and even in the new optional format that X6 introduced with author outside the left bracket. It’s only with the release of X7 that this problem has appeared.


A:  Hard to say but it may have something to do with the way the templates were/were not using the Link Adjacent Text marker which may have negated the need for a Forced Separation. But it seems odd not to have a second Forced Separation marker in the first place.


You can contact tech support to pursue this further:



Q: I want to be sure that adding the forced separation won’t cause other problems down the line, e.g. if the modified style is used with earlier versions of EndNote. And I  to know too whether to add it to in-text citation templates in all my linguistics styles.


A:  The Forced Separation marker is a long-standing tool so it’s unlikely to cause issues if used correctly. The key issue is to test if the template is producing the correct citation. If not, examine the template’s layout, notably the placement of Link Adjacent Text markers, then add a Forced Separation as needed.


Also note that output styles are updated from time to time to conform with publication and EndNote software changes which can be problematic for users who modify their own output styles and may be unaware of these changes unless they periodically check for updated styles.  



Q: Btw, EndNote saved the modified style under its usual name in my own Styles folder, which was what i wanted; no ‘copy’ was added to the filename.


A: What I was referring to was usually modifying an output style then saving the changes for the first time usually prompts EndNote to generate a new file with the word Copy appended (see attached image).



Q: You’ve suggested modifying the template only for Citation -  Author (Year). Why does this behave differently from the plain Citation? Or would it be good EndNote practice to include a Forced Separation marker before the right bracket there as well?


A: Without knowing or seeing the ouput style in question my response was based on your example [Citation -  Author (Year)].  If there’s a Citation template as well where the Link Adjacent Text connects the second closing parenthesis then a Forced Separation marker should be inserted to break the connection.



Save changes to output style.gif

Q: Btw, EndNote saved the modified style under its usual name in my own Styles folder, which was what i wanted; no ‘copy’ was added to the filename.


A: What I was referring to was usually modifying an output style then saving the changes for the first time usually prompts EndNote to generate a new file with the word Copy appended (see attached image).


My answer:  If the style was created or downloaded from the web, it would have been saved to your local styles folder and can be changed and saved to the same name.  The appended “Copy” only happens if you open and edit an installed style (from the C:program folder/endnote/styles folder) where it can’t be saved(it is a read-only protected folder in Windows7 and later) and you are forced to “save as” hence the appended word “Copy”.  You can change the name to anything you want - but is recommended that you NOT force it to have the original name, as then you have two styles of the same name – only one of which can be selected, and I find you can’t predict which one that is, when endnote shows you all the available styles in the styles manager list, which combines the files from both locations (and doesn’t show two of the same name, even if there are two).


Clear as mud?   

This is a follow-up to my original query:

I have a longstanding style which has worked fine in (at least) EndNote X1, X2, X4 and X6 to produce in-text citations of the form " … (Smith 1997: 23) …". The relevant template entry is Author (Year|: Cited Pages), with the code for “Link Adjacent Text” after “Author” and again after the colon where there appears to be a space here.


With X6 we got the new option to reformat citations with the author outside the round bracket, thus “… Smith (1997: 23) …”, which is very handy if you want to mention Smith in your text. I have just installed X7, and now if I switch a citation to this latter format, the right-hand bracket is lost. Is this a bug, or do I need to alter my template in some way? Thanks.

You suggested adding a forced separation code before the closing bracket in the template, and that seemed to solve the problem - which had never been a problem up to and including X6.

I’ve now noticed that if my in-text reference has not just author, year and page but also what EndNote calls a ‘suffix’, then Display as: Author (Year) puts the closing bracket after the page but leaves the suffix outside the bracket. If I use a ‘prefix’, then the prefix appears to the left of the author.

  1. Is this a bug,
  2. or a sign that prefix and suffix are incompatible with Display as: Author (Year)
  3. or something that I must work around by changing the template again?

I really don’t want to waste time changing all my EndNote styles, unless I’ve been systematically getting them wrong all these years and they really do have to be modified…

Can easily send style sheet and/or screenshots if problem isn’t clear. Thanks.


David/ddenision, could you:

1. Attach your output style;


2. Clarify with examples what you mean by “prefix” and “suffix” as these terms refer to modifying citations to include text before or after a citation by using EndNote’s Prefix or Suffix option– for example:


Adding text to the Prefix field changes (Jones, 2007) to:    

     (as cited by smith in Jones, 2007)


Adding text to the Suffix :field changes (Jones, 2007) to    

     (Jones, 2007, pp. 21-24, corresponding to first survey)


3. Identify the default setting of your citations. (Put your cursor on a citation then select Edit Citation – the selected format will have a check-mark.

this is easiest to resolve if you attach the actually style. I suspect you need another | before the closing parenthesis.

Author (Year|: Cited Pages|)


I have this problem but I do not understand the second part of the instruction about adjusting word/endnote to use the new style.  I added the bar before the bracket but it still does not appear in my document. 

In the word document on the endnote ribbon (or in the format bibliography menu in Apple word I think) you need to use the edited output style and not the the original one.  

I am already using an edited output style and I made the change within that. 

attach your output style so we can look at it? What isn’t happening?