I am using Word 2013 and Endnote X7. I have a 12 page document and have several tables on pages 2 and 3. The citations in the Tables are getting numbered before the citations on page 1 but not for all citations. So, the citations on page 1 go from 1-3 and then 58-63.
I had this issue previously and there was a fix for it. Just cant remember what.
I really wanted to use the drop-shadow option for text boxes around tables but do not want my reference to start from 7 and then go to 45.
My solution (Word 2013, EndNote X7)
Create document with Tables inside text boxes and the absurd citation issue. This was you will know your spacing, page limit etc for the final document.
Final document: Create a duplicate copy.
In the duplicate copy, remove the text box, reformat ciations to get the correct order.
Once that is done, using the duplicate version: Convert Citations to Plain Text and save as new document.
Now open the original version, (make sure cite while you write is turned off) delete the table from inside the text box. Add the table from the new plain text document (with updated and correct citation order) to the text box and then paste both of them back together into the new unformatted document.
Painful but works.
If I find another reference manager without this issue - I am going to stop using EndNote - Are you listening THOMSON REUTERS.
I see you have found a solution, but I don’t have the problem when just inserting a table. I see you want it in a textbox for some reason. Things in text box not only can’t have endnote citations handled correctly, but can’t have automated figure and table captions, numbered and retrievable to populate tables of figures or tables either. To get around this, i put the figure or table the table into a frame and not in a text box, which was pretty easy upto word 2003.
I found It extremely hard in Word 2010 and later to get around the frame problem as what you want to use is a “frame” which is much simpler to do in word 97-2003 or the legacy format (.doc, not .docx). It is a Word defect and I am not sure how ref manager would get around it either? Since I never used Ref Manager, I can’t test whether there is something different about the fields in that program. It might apparently look like it worked if you used a different output style that was author,year or numbered alphabetically rather than order of appearance.
But I recently found that there is away to get around it using the envelopes feature in word 2010? But I haven’t yet tried it.
See here http://www.addbalance.com/word/frames_textboxes.htm for the comparison between textboxes and frames and what you can and can’t do in them. And if you follow that page and links therein, there are workarounds that appear to be applicable in Word 2010. I plan to investigate, as I have to reinvent the wheel each time one of my students begins to write up their thesis! (for the table of figures, problem. I always have them use an Author, year format for the citations anyway, so that isn’t their issue).