I am new to this community because I have one problem whith the cite while you wrire function that has been bugging me for a a while now, and that I couldn’t find a solution for. So maybe you can help me?
In my thesis, I sometimes need to put a citation in parentheses. In that case, I only need a parenthesis at the end of the citatation, not be beginning. My problem is, that I cannot delete the extra parenthesis–if I do, EndNote changes it back again.
Here is an example. It should look like that:
Since it was not possible to use other intervention strategies (such as those for complicated grief; Znoj, 2004) …
but it looks like that:
Since it was not possible to use other intervention strategies (such as those for complicated grief; (Znoj, 2004) …
Is these a way to omit the one, or even both parentheses?
This one is easy! Cut and copy the text you want in the parentheses apart from the citation itself. Now, right click in the citation and choose “edit citation”. Choose “more” and paste the text, including the semi-colon and trailing space, into the prefix field. then choose OK. All set!
what output style? This was a very old answer. The newer versions of Endnote have an option Author (Year) which is illustrated in the attached image. You right click in the formated citation you want to change, edit citation (last option) and choose “display Author (Year)”.
What versions of Endnote cite while you write have this option? I am just using Endnote online and cite while you write- I do not have a desktop version. Am I able to update cite while you write to a version that offers this?