Cite While you write

I am using the Cite While you Write plugin in combination with Microsoft Word 2007. I have been working on one paper for a long time and recently have encountered the following problem. In my document, I can access the Cite While you write tool bar and search my endnoteweb database. However, when I pick a citation 10-15 the following occurs. 10-15 seconds later instead of  inserting the citation I get the following error message “Cite while you write could not connect to endnote web. This may be due to a temporary internet or server error”, then an unformatted citation in curly brackets appears in the document. This seems odd as my internet connection seems fully functioning and the program is able to search for the citations. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!



Hi Alexandra
I’ve just had the same problem using Word 2003 and Windows 7. I contacted my uni support who recommended deleting cookies and cache then accessing Endnote Web from a different website. This has fixed most of the problems but the original issue arose with a certain author search. If even happened if I was in ENW itself and did a search on the same author. I ended up using a search for the second author and then importing that which put the correct citation in. I’m not sure which country your in but if you are UK based try passing your problem onto
Hope you get it sorted as I know how frustrating it is.
Good luck

Thanks for you response! Finally, was able to get through the issue which had something to do with the browser I was using (possibly the cookies as you suggested).  I am now accessing endnote web using a different browser (Explorer instead of Firefox) and its working.



Glad you got sorted I know how frustrating this can be.
