I am using EndNote for my citations, but my professor has special requirements. Could anyone explain how I can change the settings to add “and” before the last citation when citing more than three articles? Here is what I currently get:
Here is what I need:
(Bifulco et al., 2023; Dziri et Jarboui, 2024; Fuente et al., 2017, AND Gharbi et Jarboui, 2024) .
Does anyone also know how I can remove the hyperlinks in the bibliography? I need the links to appear in plain text.
One. You could edit the citationbut I don’t think you can change the semi-colon to a comma. You would right click in the citation, >edit Citation > more… and make sure that the final citation at the end of the list (use the arrows to move it down if it isn’t - as sorting may be applied), is at the end of the list, move it down and add AND (followed by the trailing space) to the prefix box. It will then appear as in my snapshot below.
Two.this is a setting in Word and not Endnote : go to File > Options > Proofing > AutoCorrect Options, then on the “AutoFormat As You Type” tab, uncheck the box next to “Internet and network paths with hyperlinks” - this will prevent Word from converting any typed URL into a clickable link.