Continuing work on a previously saved 'cite-while-you-write' word document

I saved a document in Word 2010 with citations (in number format) and now that I have re-opened it to continue work there are no links/hyperlinks present within the citations although my bibliography is still present. When I come to add a new reference into the text it begins a brand new bibliography, treating any pre-existing citations/bibliography as standard text. 

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


That doesn’t sound good.  And you (or a colleague)  did nothing else with regard to manipulation of field information in Word?  …  didn’t use any tools on the endnote ribbon or in word to make plain text?   – You didn’t open the document in Open Office and save? 

No all I did was save the document before the weekend as you would a normal word document and then opened it this morning (again, as you would a normal word document) logged into my endnote web when prompted and then tried to continue working and citing as I had been doing previously! 

Luckily its the very start of a piece of work so I can re-type/re-cite. Do you think removing and re-installing/downloading the endnote microsoft plug-in may help to prevent the problem happening in further pieces of work? 

Apologies if I haven’t used any of the correct language. 


I have NEVER heard of this happening to anyone in my very long history of using Endnote, so I would first check with the Endnote tech support people.  Can you zip up the file and attach it to a reply message so maybe I could look at it for you?  

PS I don’t use Endnote Web, so not sure how these things are handled differently from the desktop version.  

Oh dear, maybe its something that I’ve inadvertently done then. I’ve attached a zipped version of the document. 

Thanks so much for all your help, hopefully it will just be that I’ve done something silly. 

Literature Review - Sept (261 KB)

Apologies, I inadvertantly deleted the post. 

I have attached a zip file of the document. 

Thanks for your help. 

Literature Review - Sept (261 KB)

The file you sent is in the ODT or OpenDocument Text format. This is the format typically used for Apache OpenOffice and not Microsoft Word. Do you have a copy of the document in either the .DOC or DOCX formats that are typical for Microsoft Word?


Literature Review - Sept 2013 (2).zip (279 KB)

The Word document you sent did not contain any EndNote encoding. What is your current workflow? Are you attempting to work with both Microsoft Word and Apache OpenOffice? Are you working with collaborators?

Thats exactly the problem.

I am working in Microsoft Office Word (Windows 7) using myendnoteweb to record my references and the cite-while-you-write plug in to incorporate them into my work. There are hyperlinks present within the documents when I work on them for the first time, but if I then save (as I would save a normal word document) and then re-open the document, the hyperlinks are no longer present and any attempt to insert references in the middle or end of the previously written work results in a new bibliography being generated. 

I am not very technically minded at all, but have followed all the instructions on the introduction to endnote etc. My documents automatically save at an ODT is that the issue? Do they need to be saved in a different word format? 


Sorry, I’ve just answered my own question. By changing the default setting and making sure all documents are saved as a Word document the system works perfectly. 

Thanks for your help. 

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