I HAVE A LARGE ENDNOTE LIBRARY ON ENDNOTE 6 (MAC OS9.1). I want to convert ito Endnote 10 on a MacOSX 10.6.2 but have failed to do this. I have emailed the service desk twice and each time waited a week for a reply to no avail. Can anyone help? I am getting really concerned that my old computer might die and take my library with it!
What happens when you try to open it from X? Doesn’t it ask if you want to convert it to the newer format?
Have you read over this FAQ?
Answer: If your library was created in EndNote version 7 or any previous versions, you need to update to X.0.2 in order to properly convert an EndNote 7 or earlier library on an Intel Mac. Additionally, be sure that your old library file ends in the .enl file extension so that it’s properly recognized as an EndNote library.
NOTE: If you have already tried to convert a library without updating to EndNote X.0.2, there is an additional step you need to complete before you will be able to convert this library. In Finder, locate the EndNote library file which you tried to convert. Here you should find a Data folder. For example, if your library is called “Library” you will see a folder here called “Library.Data”. In this folder you will find a subfolder called “rdb”. Drag this “rdb” folder to the Trash.
Once you have done this you will be able to convert the library using EndNote X.0.2.
Thank you for this. So how does this work moving across computers as presumably Endnote X.0.2 won’t load on my old computer and Endnote 6 won’t load on my new computer??
Well, you need to move the library and any associated .DATA folder to the new computer somehow? Then you just do the conversion with ENX.0.2? You don’t need EN6 to accomplish the conversion. Just remember to trash that rdb file first?