I have a big word file with over 200 citations, the file is too big to work with so I am trying to divide it into smaller word files. The problem is copy paste doesn’t move the references in the new file! so how can I move the text with the references by the end of the new file?
You can copy and paste the information from the body of the text. After you have copied into the new document, you will have to click the Update Citations and Bibliography command to generate the list of references.
I have a similar issue, but this recommendation isn’t fixing it. I had 1 document with lots of narrative, in-line citations, and an EndNote-generated bibliography. Then, I made a second document, copied some of the narrative & in-line citations into it, and started writing new text and creating new in-line citations. Even after clicking “update citations and bibliography” many times and opening & closing the document the References list only shows my new in-line citations. None of the old in-line citations that I copy/pasted from my original document show up in the list.
unformat it to temporary citations first. you may be losing the endnote/word field info if word is pasting as plain text? – also turn off auto formatting first. I know if you try to cut and paste a bibliography with it on, it will recreate the bibliography before you can repaste it, for example.
Thanks for your help, Leanne! I see what happens with turning off auto-formatting - this will be good to know about for the future. Is this separate from “unformat it to temporary citations first”? I’m not sure what that means.
At this point, I have a Word doc where all the old and new citations are pretty mixed in - some showing up in the bibliography and some not. I’m not at the point anymore to re-paste the original content from the original doc. Is my best option to just go through and reinsert the problem ones again?
Choose “convert citations and bibliography > to unformatted citations” on the endnote toolbar. I think it automatically turns Instant fromating off, as well. (or else it would just update them immediately, again!)
Missed second question. depends on how many, but probably best to re-enter them, since it ia new text document – if you convert to unformatted, then you can search/scan for parentheses, or et al or numbers - and reenter those.