Creating a short format for a book section reference type

I’m trying to edit an output style to conform to the Language Teaching journal. Where I reference just one chapter from an edited book, a typical Book Section format is used in the bibliography, e.g.:

• Covington, M. V. & B. W. Roberts (1994). Self-worth and college achievement: Motivational and personality correlates. In P. R. Pintrich, D. R. Brown & C. E. Weinstein (eds.), Student motivation, cognition, and learning (3rd edn). New York: Continuum, 157–187.

However, where I cite more than one chapter from the same edited book, I must use a shortened format for the book (editor and page numbers only) in all the chapter references, and also include a full book reference for the edited book, e.g.:

• Ford, C. & S. Thompson (1996). Interactional units in conversation: Syntactic, intonational and pragmatic resources for the management of turns. In Ochs et al. (eds.), 134–184.

• Ochs, A., E. A. Schegloff & S. A. Thompson (eds.) (1996). Interaction and grammar. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

I have lots of edited chapters, but they are from a small number of edited books. I thought one solution might be to create a new reference template in the output style (e.g. ‘Book Section – multiple uses’) and make it behave as the short reference does above. For all chapters where I know I have used more than one chapter from the book, I would manually apply this reference type in the Library, instead of ‘Book Section’. To insert the extra reference for the edited book (which is not cited in the text), I could insert a ‘dummy’ citation at the end and match the colour to background so it’s not visible, or strip the coding at the end to insert them (reluctant to do this!). 

Does anyone have another suggestion, or one which is more scalable? The ideal (unrealistic?) solution is a way to force Endnote to recognise the edited book as a repeat citation and to react accordingly.

Thanks in advance.
