Single Entry in Bibliography for Chapters in Edited Collections - is this possible?

Hi all,

Pretty new to EndNote.  Apologies if this has been asked before, but I’ve had a search on here and on the rest of the Internet and have come up with nothing.  I’m sure I’m not the only person with this question so perhaps I’m missing something?

Here goes.

For an essay I’m writing, I’m citing two authors whose writing is in the same edited collection.  So, when I cite in text, I will be writing (Author 1, in Editor, 1997:100) and (Author 2, in Editor, 1997:145).

However, EndNote creates two entries in the bibliography - one for Author 1 in Editor and one for Author 2 in Editor.  

What I want to have is a single listing in the bibliography for the edited collection e.g. Editor, (1997), Book title, etc etc 

Is there a way to make EndNote X2 (which I’m using) do this? It seems a pretty simple feature.

Also, is there a way to make EndNote insert correct citations for edited collections - like (Author 1, in Editor, year)? 

Many thanks,


Well, you can enter an “edited Book” reference type, but the usual way to generate a section or chapter reference is to have the record entered as a “book section” reference type  and have each section as a separate record. this way you can permanantly keep information like page numbers, title, etc.  Once you have created one of these records, it is pretty easy to ctrl C > ctrl V and make another copy and change the chapter specific information.  This also means you don’t need to provide the “in Editor” and page number info in the citation itself.  That is the way all styles handle this, with which I am familiar.