CWYW Hover Not Working

When I hover over a citation in Word, usually the Author, Year, and Record Number pop up above the citation.  But it’s not working any more!  How can I get this feature back?

When you see this screen tip, it typically indicates the presence of hyper-linking between the in-text citation and the reference list. To restore this, go to EndNote itself and click Tools > Cite While You Write > Format Bibliography. Select the setting to “Link in-text citations to references in the bibliography” and click OK. Once this is done, the screen tips should appear once you mouse over the in-text citations.

Jason Berman
Technical Sup Rep RS

Thomson Reuters

Phone: +1 800-336-4474

The same CWYW mouse hover problem is occurring in Endnote X8 (Win 10). The previously described fix doesn’t appear to be an option in Endnote X8. I would appreciate any suggestions.

The option that Jason references is there in current versions of Word too, but it is accessed differently on the ribbon.  You open the bibliography options from the tiny box with mini-arrow on the lower side of the bar with the word bibliography.  See attached images.