CWYW with RevManagerv12 not available in Word 2010


I am looking for advice how to get access to CWYW within Word 2010. This component is not working and does not appear in Word 2010 tool bar.

In the French Editor website of RevManager

I found some support but any of these could fix the problem. (especially using the repair function in Controls panel, PRogram or in the Word Options, activating the COM complement and find the CWYW dll. within the folder used to install RevManager. I also don’t understand why this file was named EndNote Cwyw.dll while in the support document it is written that this dll should be “Reference Manager Cwyw.dll”

We have bought quite recently RevManager12 and any of our colleague can actually use it as the CWYW does not work.

(Some of us are using Windows Seven and others WIndosw 8 with 64 bits operating systems)

many thanks in advance for your help

Best regards

Reference Manager 12.0.3 is compatible with the 32-bit installation of Word 2010, but not the 64-bit installation. You do need the 12.0.3 update to get the tools installed in Word 2010 32-bit. See the following article for more information:

This is absurd: after several years (the above post is from may 2013, we are now in April 2015…), and when many universities now have as a standard Windows 7 and Office 2010 64 bit, there still is no compatibility unless one installs the Office 32bit (after realizing that the standard installation failed to make use of RM). Looks like you want to wean-out RM and have everybody switch to EndNote. Oh well…good things don’t last.