Hello EndNote community!
First I want to apologize for my english and possible mistakes, I’m from Germany
Is there a option, to solve this problem:
I have some references, which have a title that includes quotation marks. For example:
A. Mandell, “I bless you to YHWH and his Asherah” - Writing and performativity at Kuntillet Ajrud: Maarav 19, 131-162.
Depending on the Output-Style there will be double quotation marks. Like:
A. Mandell, ““I bless you to YHWH and his Asherah” - Writing and performativity at Kuntillet Ajrud”: Maarav 19, 131-162.
Is there any solution to teach EndNote to change the quotation mark of the references to
A. Mandell, “‘I bless you to YHWH and his Asherah’ - Writing and performativity at Kuntillet Ajrud”: Maarav 19, 131-162. or do I have to change it in Word myself?
Thank you for your help!