Editing output style


i have a text over-endnoted of 400 pages and over 600 citations. I´m using Mountain Lion OSX, Endnote X5, and word 2088 (SP3).

I´ve been citing wit APA 6th style. But now i want to change the cites in text from “González, Chavez, Suarez, & Smith, 2007” to “González, Chavez, Suarez, y Smith, 2007”. I´m writting in spanish language.

I´ve edit the style, going to citations, Author list and replacing “&” and “,&” for “y” and “,y”. Why some citations have change in the text and other appears “González, Chavez, Suarezy Smith, 2007”?


Sorry i´ve notice another aspect of my bibliography. Not all the references appear in the bibliography. Althought all the citations are in text, not all the reference appear in the bibliography. Bibliography must contained 422 references but only 198 appear.

I´ve export the references from word to a travelling library…do you think that aspect could be the resposible?

Just a few thoughts:

  1. When you changed “and” to “y” as author separators did you include  a space before and after the y? It seems from your example the first space is missing.

  2. When you modified the APA 6th output style the changes are saved as a new file: APA 6th Copy. So you’ll need to adjust EndNote and MS Word to now use the APA 6th Copy.

  3. If you adjust EndNote and MS Word to use the APA 6th Copy the in-text citations should update but if not try manually updating the document.