I need to edit an old document written in word 2003 using endnote7 using word 2007 and endnote x4.
I have the endnote7 libraries used.
Do I import the libraries into x4 and simplay open the document or how should I proceed?
I need to edit an old document written in word 2003 using endnote7 using word 2007 and endnote x4.
I have the endnote7 libraries used.
Do I import the libraries into x4 and simplay open the document or how should I proceed?
When you open the endnote 7 library with X4, it should convert the library to the new format for post Endnote8 (unicode conversion of special characters isn’t always perfect). It will give it a new name.
If you can, try unfomating the citations in the paper on a COPY of the original paper with word 2003 - it usually works if you haven’t first added more refs. – I haven’t tried that in word 2007 - but it is worth a try if you don’t have access to a computer with word 2003. If it goes back to curly bracketed citations, then delete any residual bibliography and remove all the field codes just to be sure it is clean. I use the word command (ctrl+shiftF9) to do this. Then you should be able to reformat it with the converted library and EndNoteX4.
Thanks for your help