EndNote 20 -- NOT an improvement

EndNote 20 was not ready for release, it seems… Otherwise, how could you justify good and necessary features that have been part of the program forever being absent from 20?!! Other users mentioned the bottom split and multiple .pdf files issues. Here’s another: one cannot open more than one reference at a time (!!!)  This may not be important for some users, but for my line of work it is absolutely necessary. Please, Clarivate, if you are going to “upgrade” a software package, keep ALL the functionality from previous versions and ADD to it. So far, EndNote has subtracted too much…

For those considering the upgrade: don’t waste your money!


I agree totally with this comment. I have used EndNote nearly daily since its very first release. EndNote 20 gets an overall grade of FAIL for removing multiple features that enabled user customization. The new interface may look clean, but its functionality is EXECRABLE. Users should be able to choose:

  • Line spacing between references 
  • Font - for example, with a narrowly spaced font (e.g., Arial Narrow), one can see far more of the author list and title than in the current version
  • Opening multiple references
  • Splitting full reference and/or PDF views above or to the side of the reference list
  • Etc.

What was the Design team thinking? Did they not get this feedback during beta testing?

Like many other users, I tried EndNote 20 and quickly reverted to its predecessor. If the next release of EndNote 20 does make major FIXES, I will start exploring alternative reference manager programs - certainly not what I want to do after nearly three decades as an EndNote user.


The next releases of EndNote to fix the problems had better be V20.* as a free update, I am not paying for an EndNote 21 to fix these issues.

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@joseli Have you seen this thread? Lots of people agreeing with you.