Our national EndNote distributor is now offering free upgrade to EndNote 20 later this year if you buy X9 now. But i haven’t seen any information or buzz about a new main version on this forum or other places (not mentioned on EndNote.com). In the “old” days we usually got some hints about a new main version on this forum and EndNote also recruited beta-testers sometimes.
As an EndNote user supporter at a large university it would have been nice to have some heads up on the forthcomming version before its release. Does anyone have any information about EN20?
They haven’t beta tested with external volunteers for at least the last version or two. Hence we will go thru some painful glitches I believe, when it does come out. Thanks for the heads up. We haven’t yet fully implimented X9 through our users at my Institute, due to release just around stay at home orders were initiated and the number of us still working from home!
X9 is well established here, but in July (when most patrons where on holiday) the IT-peoples updated university computers to X9.3.3 without informing about the need for converting libraries also. So I have quite a few X9.3 related cases because of this. Some patrons have problems converting their libraries.
User support is done in Zoom now where the patron can share their desktops and also grant me control of their computer if needed.
I hope that some of the Moderators can share som EN 20 info with us!
EndNote 20 is coming! Join our exclusive preview LIVE TODAY 8:30am CT during #MLAnet20 And continue the conversation in our virtual chat room: https://bddy.me/33QafzE
And more searching Internet with Google for
“EndNote 20”
with quotes.
Hopefully, it will be compatible with macOS 11 Big Sur for both Intel x86 and ARM-based Apple Silicon Macs. And hopefully it will fix previous issues and shotcomings, like showing
Smith et al 2020a, Smith et al 2020b
instead of
Smith et al 2020a,b
Smith et al 2020a, Smith et al 2020b, Smith et al 2020c
instead of
Smith et al 2020a-c
We have been waiting for that for years now!
Finally, login in this forum is confusing, since there is a login above-right that does NOT login into the forum but the EndNote web site, and other Sign-in on left side that logs in the forum. And if you try to post before login, you get a wrong utterly misleading error message. I have reported all that years ago to no avail. It would be great if fixed.
I just attended an EndNote 20 preview session at the virtual Special Libraries Association conference - while those with X9.2 and earlier will be able to upgrade to 20, it sounds like 20 operates on the X9.3.3 database structure so there will still be the issue with converting older libraries.
If you provide a file that volunteers could translate (as in many open source projects) you would have x additional languges in a very short period ot time.
I have provided a full French localization a while back, but it was never integrated.
FYI, EndNote 20 for Mac has been recently publicly released (I didn’t see announcements so that’s why I’m mentioning it now even though this thread is dating a bit by now). You can get it on the Installer download page.
and it seems to work fine in Big Sur (I’m on 11.1).