EndNote 9, Windows XP, Word 2007


 I’m a new user of EndNote. In my lab, I have available the EndNote9 version. I installed it (complete installation) in my laptop. EndNote opend and functioned, but Word 2007 don’t recognized EndNote. What I do?
Is possible use EndNote 9 with Word 2007? 

See http://www.endnote.com/enword2k7.asp for compatibility issues. 

See http://www.endnote.com/support/faqs/CWYW/faq43.asp for manual installation of toolbar option in Word 2007.

I did all instructions from the site http://www.endnote.com/support/faqs/CWYW/faq43.asp. But my word didn’t shows me Add-Ins tab. How can I add Add-ins tab in word 2007?