EndNote an AVG antivirus

A student at work has a problem with EndNote and AVG antivirus and I am hoping someone may be able to help.

She is using Vista and EndNote 9 and was using Norton Antivirus but recently switched to AVG. The problem is that EndNote will not work while AVG is installed. She keeps getting the messages that EndNote can’t find a Parameter or Macro. Once AVG is removed everything is great.

Any ideas on the reason why, a solution or information about another free antivirus which will work with EndNote would be most welcome. Thanks


see Jason’s link on this thread:  http://community.thomsonreuters.com/t5/EndNote-General/When-I-start-Endnote-X7-It-crashes-and-I-get-Endnote-X7-5-bld/m-p/129561#M24637


You need to add an “exception” for the EndNote program in the AVG software advanced settins. Please see this article below,


I hope this is helpful!