Hi, i did a search on google and the forum, but did not find a solution to this, so hopefully someone here can give me a hand.
I am using a OS X 10.7.1 with Endnote X3 and Microsoft Word 2008.
My issue is that Endnote drops the ending quotation mark for some titles as such:
Americans for the Arts. 1998. "Arts Programs for At-risk Youth: How US Communities are Using the Arts to Rescue Their Youth and Deter Crime. Accessed August 30th, 2011. http://www.artsusa.org/pdf/information_services/research/impact_areas/arts_education/Arts%20Programs%20for%20Youth%20At-Risk_Pamphlet.pdf.
This is the output style for that entry:
Author. Year. “Title|.” Journal| Volume| (Issue)|: Pages|. Accessed Access Date|. URL|. doi: DOI|.
As you can see, the finishing qoutation mark is in the output style, but it is not reproduced in my bibliography. The strang thing is that this is not a consisten error, with other entries, that uses the same style (journal article in these instances) the output is correct, such as this:
Drake, E.K., S. Aos and M.G. Miller. 2009. “Evidence-based public policy options to reduce crime and criminal justice costs: implications in Washington State.” Victims and Offenders 4 (170-196): 186. Accessed August 6th, 2011. http://www.soc.umn.edu/~uggen/Drake_VO_09.pdf.
Does anyone know what can be causing this problem and how to resolve it?