Yes, it would indeed be highly appreciated if I could use Endnote in combination with the new Office 2016 for Mac soon (and get finally rid of the outdated Office 2011). Any hint on the timeline for introducing a respective plugin would be great. Thanks in advance!
Office 2016 for mac is finally out - when will you be able to provide the endnote add-ons?
I wrote to them, got prompt answer- very corporate style not very promising-
"Thank you for contacting Thomson Reuters Technical Support.
I am sorry you are facing this issue.
I regret to inform you that currently, no version of EndNote is compatible to work with Word 2016, as they were developed before the release of Word 2016. We have informed our development team about this and they are working on the issue. However, we as Technical Support do not have an estimated time frame on when EndNote would be made compatible with Word 2016. Nonetheless, should I receive any information on this, I shall let you know.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
Product Support Analyst
Thomson Reuters"
Very corporate indeed. Thank you for keeping us posted.
Kind regards,
Hi. Can’t be THAT difficult as papers 3 is compatible with Word 2016 on the first day. Endnote offers more features, but at least I can now revise my manuscript.
P.S. Bah Humbug to ‘I don’t upgrade until all the bugs are out.’ Merely another way of saying ‘I’m a late adopter.’
Thanks for this thread. I am about to finalise my PhD thesis, and stupidly did the Office update, and now I can’t use Endnote. Please please please can you let me know as soon as it is compatible. A little stressed! Jo
Don’t panic and good luck with your PhD!
You still can go to your Office 365 account and under My account (I assume you would have an Office 365 University subscription) click the tab “Install previous version” and install Word 2011 that should run smoothly with Endnote. Both Word versions can be installed separately in one computer.
Hope the Endnote team works! its not fair that after MONTHS of Office preview they still do not have the update ready!!
Sorry to hear, but i am in exactly situation and updated again. I am using office 365 with student subscription. As endnote doesnt work with word 2016, thats why I have reinstalled the previous 2011 as well. thus two word processors in my mac. Works fine and waiting for the endnot plug in.
Thanks so much, for your advise. I will do, and let you know how I get on.
How will we know when the plug in is available?
Thanks … I have reinstalled 2011 and everything is working fine again. Thanks so much
I realize this sort of post doesn’t help much, but I just feel the need to comment.
It’s been 4 months since the Word 2016 beta preview was announced, and I’ve had Preview versions for at least a couple months now. The official version was released last week.
Yes, it’s true you can continue using Word 2011 for the Mac along side the Office 365 (2016) Word, but that’s no excuse for a company as big as Thomson Reuters not to have a working version, even just a beta version, of EndNote for Word 2016. For those of us who use FWYW, it simply means we can’t use the newer version of Word until TR comes up with something.
On my Mac, I have Yosemite, but the first public beta preview version of the next OS, El Capitan, was released last week. No, I’m not going to upgrade the OS to a beta preview for my primary, working computer, but the 3rd party Mac developers are already sending out upgrades of their software to be compatible with El Capitan, even though it won’t be official until September or so.
I was about to uninstall office 2016 mac when i ran across my 2011 version still chilling in my applications!!
On you computer click Finder>applications>Microsoft office 2011>microsoft word!
I almost shouted for joy in the library when I realized this!
Keep both versions if you have the computer space until endnote is updated!!!
Hope im not too late! =)
They simply do not care, people are posting the same in Facebook and here, I have consulted with technical service, there is not an official statement. They are programmers, not researchers like us, they do not care about the citation plugins
Mendeley has already announced that they will have a plugin in 2 weeks, I guess we would need to migrate to Mendeley, because Thomson Reuters is not interested in creating a plugin and they do not even think in giving us a release date.
U r right, it has already one week of release, TR has no value of time, do they not know how many people using these; they should be more caring for their clients
I am also waitig
I have been using Endnote since 1992! Each time a new version of Word came out they took months to get an update for Endnote. I totally agree with all the negative opinions of TR as a big corporation that does not seem to appreciate the value of customer satisfaction. Maybe I can understand this attitude when the Mac was a marginal product with only a small market share and one foot in the grave. But now that the Mac is so widely used, especially in academia, it is inexcusable that Word 16 preview can be out in March and that they don’t have a version of the CWYW pluging that works with it. It is infuriating that they don’t even let us know when to expect one.
Let’s hope that it will not take MONTHS (!!), that would be absolutely horrible. Truth is that I find it difficult to suggest Endnote to fellow colleagues as support for mac is suboptimal (considering mendeley, papersapp, etc).
Now using the official release of Office 2016 provided by my University through Office 365. Stunned to discover Endnote is not working. Preivew has been out for months! I understand not supporting it then, but what were you guys doing during that time? There should be day one support of an official release, no excuses.