To anyone who can help me with Endnote bibliography formatting…
I am trying to find out how I can format my bibliography - more specifically, in preventing it from doing this:
Odell, G. H.
1982 Some Additional Perspectives on Appropriate Models and Analogs for Hunter-Gatherer Populations. American Antiquity 47(1):192-198.
1996 Economizing Behavior and the Concept of Curation. In Stone Tools: Theoretical Insights into Human Prehistory, edited by G. H. Odell, pp. 51-80 general editor. Plenum Press, New York.
The issue is, sometimes when I place a citation writing in text , the second line does not indent under the year, like the two references above. I have checked the formatting bibliography, and even the output styles… I cannot fix this problem. It seems to happen whenever it wants to, as if it has a mind of its own.
Please help me.