I’m encountering some problems editing a styles bibliography layout so that it looks like this in the document:
[Argus and Matthews, 1991]
Argus, M. V. & Matthews, E. K. (1991) Stratigraphic excavation techniques for paleontologists. Journal of Paleontology 17, 119-127.
I chose “start each reference with” citation and added the square brackets and after that an end of paragraph to start the reference on a new line. Unfortunately it looks like this now and I can’t figure out how to make it look like above:
[Argus and Matthews, 1991)]
Argus, M. V. & Matthews, E. K. (1991) Stratigraphic excavation techniques for paleontologists. Journal of Paleontology 17, 119-127.
As you can see there is one single round bracket left after the year. The reference does not start on the next line but the line after. Is there even a way to start each reference with the citation in square brackets when its originally in round brackets in the text?
Thank you for the help,