2 Bibliography layout questions

I’m encountering some problems editing a styles bibliography layout so that it looks like this in the document:

[Argus and Matthews, 1991]

Argus, M. V. & Matthews, E. K. (1991) Stratigraphic excavation techniques for paleontologists. Journal of Paleontology 17, 119-127.

I chose “start each reference with” citation and added the square brackets and after that an end of paragraph to start the reference on a new line. Unfortunately it looks like this now and I can’t figure out how to make it look like above:

[Argus and Matthews, 1991)]

Argus, M. V. & Matthews, E. K. (1991) Stratigraphic excavation techniques for paleontologists. Journal of Paleontology 17, 119-127.


As you can see there is one single round bracket left after the year. The reference does not start on the next line but the line after. Is there even a way to start each reference with the citation in square brackets when its originally in round brackets in the text?

Thank you for the help,


If you would attach your edited output style, we could look at it to see if we can spot the bug?

Sure, thanks a lot!

Intl Rev Hydrobiology.ens (14.2 KB)

How do the citations appear in the text.  Right now they have (Author, year) and thus, when you say “citation” you generate a citation with [(author, year)] and I have no idea when it loses the first ( for you – (I started playing around, and I got [(author, year)].  

The space is because the paragraphs are adding space between the two paragraphs.  That you can fix by editing the word generated Endnote Bibliography template style.  (that is a word feature, and I could go thru those steps if you need them - I attached a screen shot showing the setting).  

So if you need the citation in the text in regular parentheses and the one here in Square, I am not sure quite how to achieve that.  In the attached, the citation has been change to square as well, and the layout with out any brackets, and it works to produce this (after I got rid of the space between problem in the word template Endnote Bibliography style:  

[Abe, 1999]

Abe, T. (1999) Infantile leukemia and soybeans–a hypothesis. Leukemia 13(3), 317-20.

[Abelson and Rabstein, 1970]

Abelson, H. T.,Rabstein, L. S. (1970) Lymphosarcoma: virus-induced thymic-independent disease in mice. Cancer Res. 30(8), 2213-2222.

[Aberdam, et al., 1991]

Aberdam, D., Negreanu, V., Sachs, L., Blatt, C. (1991) The oncogenic potential of an activated Hox-2.4 homeobox gene in mouse fibroblasts. Mol. Cell. Biol. 11(1), 554-7.

Intl Rev Hydrobiology Modified.ens (14.2 KB)

Thank you very much for the help!

I got rid of the paragraph problem at least thanks to the screenshot.